
Neurodiversity in the workplace and how to keep yourself organised

December 4, 2022

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Welcome to Divine Enigma

A platform dedicated to supporting neurodiverse professionals, particularly project managers and working professionals. Neurodiversity refers to the idea that all human beings vary in neurocognitive ability. As someone diagnosed with dyslexia and ADHD, I believe being neurodivergent is a superpower and not something to be ashamed of. Navigating the workplace as a neurodiverse individual can be challenging, however, am happy to share my experiences and insights on managing dyslexia as a project manager.

What is Neurodiversity?

Neurodiversity is the idea that there are natural variations in how people’s brains work and that these differences should be respected and valued, just like any other kind of diversity.
You see, just like people with different eye colours, hair types, and skin tones, our brains can also be wired differently. Some people find it easier to focus on specific tasks or have a better memory, while others might struggle with those things but excel in other areas.
Being neurodivergent means having a brain that works differently than what is considered “typical” or “normal.” This can include conditions like autism, ADHD, dyslexia, etc.
But here’s the thing – being neurodivergent isn’t something to be ashamed of or to try to “fix.” It’s simply a part of who you are and can come with many strengths and talents. For example, many people with autism have incredible attention to detail and a unique way of looking at the world, while many people with ADHD are incredibly creative and can think independently.
So, whether you’re neurodivergent or neurotypical, let’s celebrate the diversity of our brains and the unique perspectives they bring to the world!

Managing Dyslexia as a Project Manager

Navigating the workplace as a neurodiverse individual can be challenging, but I am happy to share my experiences and insights on managing dyslexia as a project manager. Here are my top tips:

  • Using a Planner: Having a list of things to get done before the next day can help you stay organised and on track.
  • Giving oneself extra time: Coming into a new environment can be overwhelming, so giving yourself extra time to settle in can help reduce anxiety.
  • Using apps: like Speechify and Grammarly- (Grammarly can assist with reading and writing) Technology can be beneficial for neurodiverse individuals
  • Having a power bank: Ensure you have enough battery life for your journey. Your phone can come in handy to help you navigate your way to a new place, and apps like Google Maps and Citymapper can be beneficial. Apps like Google Maps and Citymapper are very helpful.
  • Recording meetings: with apps like Otter, recording meetings can be essential, but getting permission before recording a meeting is critical, as sensitive information may be discussed.

Soft Skills for Neurodiverse Professionals

Occupations requiring strong social skills have become increasingly important, while there has been a decline in the growth of professions that do not need them. Evidence suggests that productivity grew in industries with more soft and analytical skills.

  • Being Coachable: taking feedback or criticism and applying it to your work.
  • Empathy and Support: the ability to be empathetic and supportive is quite common among neurodivergent people
  • Effective Communication is a major soft skill that helps you communicate ideas and reduce misunderstandings.
  • Creativity- A soft skill common among people who are neurodivergent.

Critical Thinking:

Neurodivergent individuals are very creative, which can involve coming up with ideas, problem-solving, or brainstorming. And highly detail-oriented

Divine Enigma provides a supportive community for neurodiverse professionals, particularly project managers, who may struggle to navigate the workplace. By embracing the superpowers of neurodiversity and utilising practical tips and soft skills, neurodiverse individuals can thrive in the workplace and contribute to their organisations’ success.

Creating a supportive work environment:

Ultimately, the most important aspect of embracing neurodiversity is creating a supportive work environment. This involves providing accommodations, making appropriate resources available to individuals, and promoting open communication. When all employees feel valued and supported, a more inclusive and productive work environment benefits everyone involved.


In a world where neurodiversity is increasingly recognised and accommodated, we must educate ourselves on creating an inclusive and supportive workplace. By embracing neurodiversity and advocating for accommodating work environments, we can celebrate all individuals’ unique talents and perspectives, fostering a diverse and successful workforce. Hopefully, these tips for staying organized can provide a useful starting point for individuals, both neurodivergent and neurotypical, to motivate them to put some organisation into their day.

Resources Mentioned  

Speechify  Grammarly  ToastMasters  Otter Citymapper

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