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July 16, 2024

Best Strategies for Dyslexic Managers (2024 Guide)

Managing a team can be a demanding task for anyone, but for dyslexic managers, it presents unique challenges. From struggling with written communication to keeping track of intricate details, these obstacles can seem overwhelming. But here’s the good news: dyslexic managers often possess exceptional strengths such as creativity, problem-solving, and interpersonal skills. By honing in on these natural talents and implementing tailored strategies, dyslexic managers can not only overcome their difficulties but also excel in their roles. In this post, Read More
December 11, 2022

Career Change & Autism: Tips for Flexibly Transitioning into Your Passion

Is Autism Making Your Career Change Tougher? You're Not Alone! Many autistic individuals are passionate about pursuing fulfilling careers. However, navigating a career change can feel overwhelming. At Divine Enigma we talk about how  specifically for corporate workers on the spectrum who may have side hustles and are considering a career switch. We'll provide tips for a smooth transition into your dream job, helping you overcome any hurdles along the way. This might be the push you need to start Read More
January 1, 2023

Diagnosed late with Neurodiversity & Masking

Unmasking Your Neurodiversity: Embracing Your Authentic Self, Even with a Late Diagnosis Neurodiversity and masking are two terms that have become increasingly more well-known in recent years. With growing awareness, many are finding themselves relating to the symptoms and experiences that come with being neurodiverse. For adults who have been diagnosed late or have yet to receive a diagnosis, the news can be overwhelming. However, the good news is that there are still steps you can take to improve your Read More
December 18, 2022

How to Successfully Juggle Multiple Priorities as a Project Manager

Being a project manager is no easy feat, and if you're someone who juggles multiple priorities, it can become even more overwhelming. However, it's possible to successfully handle multiple tasks and projects if you approach them correctly. This blog post will discuss tips and tricks to help you manage all your responsibilities efficiently and effectively without losing your mind. Whether you have side hustles or not, these strategies can help you stay on top of your projects, remain productive, and Read More
December 4, 2022

Neurodiversity in the workplace and how to keep yourself organised

[audio mp3=""][/audio] This post may contain affiliate links and we may get paid a small commission if you click on a link Welcome to Divine Enigma A platform dedicated to supporting neurodiverse professionals, particularly project managers and working professionals. Neurodiversity refers to the idea that all human beings vary in neurocognitive ability. As someone diagnosed with dyslexia and ADHD, I believe being neurodivergent is a superpower and not something to be ashamed of. Navigating the workplace as a neurodiverse individual Read More

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